Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Young Snow Monkey at the Central Park Zoo. The curiosity and amazement at the world of young animals, as well as children, always tugs at my heartstrings.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Little Ones

Baby sheep on a farm in Garden Valley near Roseburg, Oregon.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Taken on a day trip to the coast with my bestest. Oregon coastline north of Tillamook.  Print available through RedBubble.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


On RedBubble here.

Oh how nice...

That Blogger decided to delete all of the blogs on my following list...just so that I can spend some time going back and re-adding them to the list...BUT when I go to the blogs and click on follow, it tells me that I'm already following that blog.  What gives?  Has this happened to anyone else today?


Captured at the Tulip Library near the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.  Early April.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wading into a sea of Yellow

More tulips (I can’t help myself). Also in the Tulip Library near the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC. Also Early April 2010.


Another cute wee one who caught my eye at the zoo.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yo, Joe! Toss me a crumb?

Every NYC resident's faaavorite bird. ;)  Taken at the Central Park Zoo, April 2010.

Print available, here.

Barking Dogs

Abstract at the elephant exhibit at the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, D.C.

Print available via RedBubble.

Stuck in a the Zoo

This adorable little girl kept sticking her head in between two sections of the fence at the elephant exhibit at the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, DC. I couldn’t help but chuckle aloud at her preoccupation.

Print available, here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Half Smokes

Ben's Chili Bowl; a local landmark in D.C. since the late '50s and favorite haunt of Bill Cosby when in town.

Picture Show

Abstract view of the Lincoln Theatre in Washington, D.C.  I was headed to Ben's Chili Bowl for a half-smoke today when this particular view of the theatre caught my eye due to the vectors and contrasting colors.

Prints of this abstract available, here.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Have a Seat

Spotted in Old Town Alexandria.  March 2010.

Available as a greeting or post card, matted print and laminated print, here.

Cup Check

Cup check under the tent.  I can't help but giggle each time I look at this picture from last weekend's softball tournament.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey is for Horses

I spotted several of these horse ring statuettes in the yards of homes in the Old Town Alexandria area while walking around.  Some of them had been painted and others left to wear with the weather.  This one caught my eye especially because of the backdrop of the vibrant red of the house and dull yellows, whites and tans of the bush.  It also reminded of the horse project/pony project initiated by Scott Wayne Indiana (whom I met through the drummer of his band Kate's Mirror).  Sometimes I do miss the creative outlet that Portland is for so many people but then I find things here in DC that echo aspects of Portland and know that I am on the right coast for me.  While I do love the DC area (and find Virginia to simultaneously be beautiful and quaint), I know that the 10 year old version of me was right--I did fall in love with NYC at first sight (and my love of it grows every time I return) and I will end up there.  It simply offers too much (in so many ways) to NOT end up there.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


We went outside yesterday and he decided he wanted to lounge despite my urgings to go back inside.  Yep, definitely still a pup even though his face is maturing into the look of a regal man.

He started to roll around and frolic before deciding when the air is warm and the grass is cool, one MUST stick their nose in the ground.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Remember Our Fallen

These flags stand high at the corner of one of my favorite memorials in Washington--the WWII memorial.  April 2010.

Prints available here.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Eat More Cheese

There's a very nice woman from New York City whose blog I stumbled upon one day and have been following ever since.  I used to use a blog to write but she rarely uses hers to write and it got me thinking.  Actually, she gets me thinking a lot even though I don't know her.  Anyhow, a handful of weeks back when I began this blog I decided to randomly go out and shoot photos.  I ended up in Old Town Alexandria where there are numerous independent businesses.  Daryl, the woman whose blog I follow, enjoys storefronts as much as I do (I think) but I had never thought to photograph them (as she does).  This is part of the storefront for La Fromagerie; it caught my eye because a) they used French to name their business (J'adore Français!), b) it's a cheese shop (I love cheese too!) and c) it's colorful, quirky and cute.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Yesterday I went to the Coast Guard base to watch my roommate and his friends play in a pre-season tournament of college alumni residents here in the northern Virginia and DC area.  A woman on an opposing team brought this sweet dog with her and I couldn't help but snap a few pics.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Playing in the Library

This is absolutely one of my favorite shots from my afternoon in DC on Thursday.  Not only did I stumble upon this "Tulip Library" but this adorable little boy and his family were there as well (though they're out of the frame).

Friday, April 9, 2010

You Eat Like a Mouse

Central Park Zoo, last Friday, with the friend's Nikon that causes me great jealousy.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Don't Fall

I can't remember for certain if this was taken at the Pittsburgh Zoo or not, but my gut says it was so that's what I'm gonna go with until I realize otherwise.  Stupid PC crashing and killing all of my zoo shots, not to mention all of the shots I took on my roadtrip across the country.  Gah!  I'm already an Apple convert but it's takes a bit longer to save up the gobs for the MacBook Pro that I lust after, haha.  Hopefully, when I return to school this Fall, my textbooks won't cost an arm and a leg and I'll be able to afford the MBP as a Christmas present to myself; which is fitting since my iPhone was my self-gifting choice this last year.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Backyard Blossoms

So even though after using my friend's new Nikon D5000 this last Friday I thought my measly, six year old Olympus Ultra Zoom would be completely dead to me, I guess it's not.  Sorta.  This picture is decent and a great shot for my camera but I can't help thinking how much better it could have been if I was still using his camera...

Wide Open

Sunset on the Columbia River a half hour east of Portland.  Taken in 2008.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ready and Waiting

This swing set always looked out of place sitting on the beach until this day that I visited.  It was early evening and the cold temperatures begun to float in from the sea so most of the tourists had migrated to the promenade.  July 2008.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

And then, they flung their arms outward to soak up the sun...

These POPPED out at me on my walk in Old Town Alexandria.  I do not have a green thumb, for sure.  But, I did see them at the garden department of a store the other day and had to go investigate so that I could know they are Hyacinth flowers; so pretty in every color I have seen them.